
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

8 Basic Skills Teachers Need to Learn to Get Ahead

People from all walks of life want to succeed. Success has even become a business with all the self-help books and coaching programs that have sprouted in the online world. 

Teachers are at the forefront of educating the future leaders. Thus, they need to be the models on how to become successful. 

For first time readers of my blog, I would like to share that I teach in  a public school and I have observed 8 basic skills in our department heads that you can learn in order to get ahead.

Here are eight of them:

1. Balanced Lalice. Time Management. 

"One always has time enough, if one will apply it well." This quote is by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. All teachers have the same 24 hours in a day. No one has an excess or less of an hour every day. Time is the most important asset you have. If you can manage your time management skills, you and your group will have higher productivity, better decision-making, and better quality work. 

I think Lalice Joy Arquintillo, Filipino Department Head, gets to have this as she can balance her life as a loving mom and wife, a good leader for her department, a spiritual person, and a good listening buddy to her people by having proper time management skills. 

2. Passionate Herma. Wide reader.

“Read in order to live.” This quote is by Gustave Flaubert. Teachers should be wide readers. We should not only focus on the subject we teach but we should have a passion for reading. Learning should never stop. I have seen her read good books that are normally read by teachers. 

Herma Mamon is the English Deparment Head.

3. Entrepreneurial Nic. Money Skills.

“An entrepreneur assumes the risk and is dedicated and committed to the success of whatever he or she undertakes.” This quote is by Victor Kiam. Teachers are known to be conservative when it comes to planning for their money. Teachers with their meager income with large expenses should undertake business ventures. 

Nicolasita Reyes, Math Department Head, is one the founding members of a school cooperative.

4.Fun-loving Sheila. Ability to laugh at yourself.

"If you can't laugh at yourself, life's gonna seem a whole lot longer than you like." This movie quote from Garden State speaks abou having the ability to laugh at yourself. 

Teachers are put into a lot of pressure. Being able to put fun while working is a great asset to any teacher. It makes the load seem lighter.

Phoebe Sheila Villalva is the Head of the Values Education Department.

5. Cooperative Reynaldo. Interpersonal Skills.

"You don't win with the best talent - you win with the five players who are able to play well together." This anonymous quote I think best describes having interpersonal skills in order to succeed.  Being a team player in any organization is a must in order to succeed. 

Reynaldo Octavio is the Head of the Technology and Livelihood Education Department. 

6. Humble Stella Mae. The silent worker. 

"A meaningful life is not being rich or popular, but being highly educated, being real and humble. And being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others." This anonymous quote can best describe this skill. There are many who have accomplished much in the workplace but keep this for themselves. They conscientiously work on their task. 

7. Go-getter Pete. Ability to delegate tasks.

"Delegating means letting others become the experts and hence the best." This quote by Timothy Firnstahl shows that delegating tasks is a skill in order to succeed in life. I saw Pete Palomar, Head of the Araling Panlipunan Department, start as a Supremet Student Government Adviser delegate tasks and guiding student leaders into achieving results.

8. Selfless Delia. Ability to help others. 

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” This quote by Charles Dickens shows that anyone can be usefulin this world as long as we help by lightening the burden of other people. 

Delia Levalib, HEad of the MAPEH Department, assists people in any possible way that she can.  Despite her physical constraints, she assists many teachers from our school especially when it comes to checking of forms.

Being successful can be as easy if we follow these 8 basic skills that I learned from our Department Heads.

To your Success!

 Lornajane Altura


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